
Head coach – Nebojša Milošević

pic23Date of Birth: 30.07.1973.
Place of birth: Belgrade
Marital status: Married, two children
Qualifications: Faculty of Physical Culture, Belgrade
Football coach
UEFA “A”, “PRO” licence

Goalkeeping coach – Milan Stojković


Date of Birth: 02.03.1973.
Place of birth: Belgrade, Serbia
Marital status: Married, wife Vera, sons Nikola and Lazar


Physiotherapist – Zoran Rakić

pic20Date of Birth: 28.04.1955
Place of birth: Babušnica
Marital status: Married, wife Vesna, son Vladimir
Qualifications: Physiotherapist


Physiotherapist – Zdravko Marinković


Date of Birth: 20.11.1969.
Place of birth: Belgrade
Marital status: Married, wife Sonja, sons Nikola and Luka
Qualifications: Viši fizioterapeut


Bursar – Petar Matković


Date of Birth: 09.08.1961
Place of birth: Bijeljina
Marital status: Married, wife Milena, daughters Maja and Aleksandra
Qualifications: Viša pedagoška škola
Physical education teacher